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   Type And Definition
   OF Hardware
    Computer operating
    Input Unit
    Central Processing Unit
    Memory Unit
    Output Unit

Computer operating principles

     The working principle of the computer will be as specified by the program. By the computer, also known as the hardware There will be 5 basic components, each of which has a working principle as follows

     1. The Input unit is responsible for receiving data and storing it in the computer's main memory. Then, when there Command to process The information that is stored in memory will be sent to the processor.

   2. The Central Processing Unit is responsible for processing. Get the desired result Then the results will be sent to be stored in main memory

   3. Main memory is responsible for storing data and programs. While the computer is turned on only, If the computer is turned off, that information or program will be lost.

   4. Output unit is to take the result from the processing to display or store in the secondary memory.

   5. Secondary storage which stores data and programs To be able to use again later Even shutting down the computer The data and programs stored will not be lost.

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