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   Type And Definition
   OF Hardware
    Computer operating
    Input Unit
    Central Processing Unit
    Memory Unit
    Output Unit

The definition of PC hardware.

     Hardware is a variety of devices that are combined and assembled into a computer. Hardware has an outline that you see with your eyes. Can be touched, such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. can be divided into various proportions From the 4 types of behavior which are central processing unit, data receiving unit, display unit and backup storage unit In which each unit has different functions

Computer hardware type

  1. Data unit (Input Unit) is responsible for receiving program commands. And data enters the computer
  2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) is responsible for both logical and mathematical calculations. Including data processing according to the instructions received
  3. Memory (Memory Unit) is responsible for storing data or commands sent from the data receiving unit. To prepare to be sent to the processor And collect the results obtained from processing to prepare to send to the display unit
  4. Output Unit is responsible for displaying the data that the computer processes. Or passed the calculation
  5. Peripheral Equipment is a device that is attached to a computer. To help increase work efficiency even more, such as modems, network boards, etc.

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